Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dads are better at playing...

So I'm realizing that Dustin is better at playing with Corbin than I am. Even though sometimes I worry that he is a little too rough with such a little body, it does seem effective in getting those gas bubbles moving around. I wish I would have got a video of them last night. It was probably about 3 am and I'd already been up for about two hours trying to feed, change, burp, and bicycle his legs. He was still grunty and fussy (he's a pretty gassy little boy), and I was losing my mind. Dustin grabbed him and started playing all these little games with his arms and legs, bouncing and dancing, and singing little songs. Corbin was totally quiet and eventually fell asleep.

I was so grateful for Dustin and his crazy playfulness. He turned a stressed out mom and baby into sleeping angels :-) I kept thinking, why didn't I think of that? It's way more fun and effective than my cuddling and shooshing a hysterical baby. So this morning Corbin and I played "Roll Call". You might have seen it on a recent "Office" episode with the work bus. Learned a little something from his crazy daddy. I feel like it doesn't usually enter my mind to play. Is that just a mom/dad difference? Guess I'm good at giving the bubbles (aka nursing) and his Dad is good at getting them out. :)

 Already posted this one on facebook, but it's such a good example of what I'm talking about. We call it Dance Party with Dad.

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